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Marcel Bataillon Distinguished Term Professor of English & Comp Literature (3225); Assistant Department Chair

213 Greenlaw Hall
Campus Box 3520
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3520
919-962-4808 (phone)

A.B. Smith College
M.A. University of Wisconsin, Madison
M.A. Princeton University
Ph.D. Princeton University

Research And Teaching Interests

Marsha S. Collins is currently working on “Imagining Arcadia,” a comparative study of sixteenth-century pastoral romances, and is the author of books on Pío Baroja and Luis de Góngora, and articles on Cervantes, Galdós, Unamuno, Góngora, and Lope de Vega, among others. Her teaching and research focus on Early Modern European Literature, romance and pastoral, and the relationship between literature and the visual arts.

Publications (Selected)


Pio Baroja’s Memorias de un hombre de acción and the ironic mode : the search for order and meaning. (London : Tamesis Books ;Wolfeboro, N.H., U.S.A. : Distributor U.S. and Canada, Longwood Pub. Group, c1986.)

The Soledades, Góngora’s masque of the imagination. (Columbia : University of Missouri Press, c2002.)