Jaroslav Folda
N. Ferebee Taylor Professor Emeritus of the History of Art
112a Hanes Art Center
Campus Box 3405
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3405
919-260-6041 (work phone)
919-918-3358 (home phone)
A.B. Princeton University, 1962
Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins University, 1968
Research And Teaching Interests
Meaning and content in Medieval art from c. 300 to the end of the fifteenth century with emphasis on works of art in their historical context.
Medieval figural art with special emphasis on manuscript illumination, icons, panel painting, metalwork and sculpture.
Artistic interchange and cultural interpenetration in the Medieval Mediterranean World, 1100 to 1300.
The art and history of the Crusaders in the Holy Land, 1095–1291.
Some Notable Publications
The Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land, 1098–1187 (Cambridge University Press, 1995)
The Nazareth Capitals and the Crusader Shrine of the Annunciation, College Art Association Monographs, XLII (The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1986)
Crusader Art in the Twelfth Century, British Archaeological Reports, International Series, vol. 152, editor (Oxford, 1982)
“A Crusader Manuscript from Antioch,” in K.M. Setton, ed., A History of the Crusades, Vol. IV: The Art and Architecture of the Crusader States (University of Wisconsin Press, 1977)
Crusader Manuscript Illumination at Saint-Jean d’Acre: 1275–1291 (Princeton University Press, 1976)