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Mary H. Cain Distinguished Professor of Art History

Research And Teaching Interests

Professor Brachmann specializes in medieval and early-modern European art and architecture. His most recent books are Memoria – Fama – Historia: Schlachtengedenken und Identitätsstiftung am lothringischen Hof (1477–1525) nach dem Sieg über Karl den Kühnen [Memoria – Fama – Historia: Battle-Memory and the Creation of a National Identity at the Lorraine Court (1477–1525) after the Victory over Charles the Bold] (Gebr. Mann), and Um 1300. Vorparlerische Architektur im Elsass, in Lothringen und Südwestdeutschland [Around 1300. Pre-Parlerian Architecture in Alsace, in Lorraine and Southwest-Germany] (Didymos). Forthcoming articles focus on artistic expressions of fifteenth-century Burgundian sculpture and on female spirituality in the first half of the sixteenth century.