Cemil Aydin
416 Hamilton Hall
CB# 3195
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599
B.A. Bogazici University, Istanbul, 1991
M.A. Istanbul University, 1995
Ph.D. Harvard University, 2002
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
Cemil Aydin’s interests focus on both Modern Middle Eastern History and Modern Asian history, with an emphasis on the international and intellectual histories of the Ottoman and Japanese Empires. He is particularly interested in historical processes that shape transnational racial and civilizational identities, such as Muslim, Asian, African. His research and publications offer new ways to understand the historical roots of the contemporary world order by describing the process of imperial era conflicts and decolonization, especially from the perspective of non-Western actors of the Muslim world and East Asia. Other research and teaching interests deal with questions of internationalism and orientalism, and modern world history.
Click Here to Read More about Professor Aydin’s Research Interests
Some Notable Publications
- The Politics of Anti-Westernism in Asia: Visions of World Order in Pan-Islamic and Pan-Asian Thought (Columbia University Press, Global and International History Series, 2007)
- Co-edited with Juliane Hammer, “Critiques of the ‘West’ in Turkey, Iran and Japan: Occidentalism, the Crisis of Global Modernity and the Politics of Nationalism,” special issue ofComparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 26:3 (Fall 2006). (Editor’s Introduction: 347–352)
- “The Question of Orientalism in Pan‐Islamic Thought: The Origins, Content and Legacy of Transnational Muslim Identities,” in From Orientalism to Post-Colonialism: Asia, Europe and the Lineages of Difference, Sucheta Mazumdar, Vasant Kaiwar, and Thierry Blanca, eds. (Routledge, 2009): 115–136
- “Beyond Civilization: Pan-Islamism, Pan-Asianism and the Revolt against the West” Journal of Modern European History, 4:2 (Fall 2006): 204–223
- “A Global Anti-Western Moment? The Russo-Japanese War, Decolonization and Asian Modernity” in Competing Visions of World Order: Global Moments and Movements, 1880s—1930s, Sebastian Conrad/Dominic Sachsenmaier, eds., (Palgrave Transnational History Series, 2007), 213–236
Courses Offered (as schedules allow)
For current course listings, consult the Registrar’s Schedule of Classes.
- HIST 394—International and Global History
- HIST 460—Empires, Nations and Revolutions, 1750–1919