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Associate Professor of Music (3212); Adjunct Associate Professor of English & Comp Literature (3225)

Hill Hall 212
Campus Box 3320
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3320
919-962-1032 (phone)
919-962-1039 (alt. phone)

B.Mus. Ithaca College, 1981
M.A. Eastman School of Music, 1985

Ph.D. University of Chicago, 1994

Research Interests

Anne MacNeil’s areas of specialization include music of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, music and spectacle, commedia dell’arte, opera, performance studies and historiography. Her current research encompasses early-modern laments, operatic settings of tales of the Trojan Wars, and the intersections of music, ceremony, and biography in the lives of Margherita Farnese and Eleonora de’ Medici.

Courses Offered (as schedules allow)

For current course listings, consult the Directory of Classes.

Undergraduate Seminars:

  • Tomlinson on Opera
  • A Love Affair in Renaissance Music and Drama
  • Renaissance Court Spectacle

Undergraduate Classes:

  • Opera as Drama
  • 16th-Century Counterpoint
  • Studies in Music History to 1650
  • Studies in Music History, 1650–1850
  • The Medici Wedding of 1589