2015 NCCMEMS Program
Imagining the Sacred
2015 North Carolina Colloquium in Medieval and Early Modern Studies
All events will be held in the Toy Lounge, Dey Hall, Fourth Floor
Friday, Feb. 13, 4:30-6:30 pm
4:30 Refreshments served
5:00 Keynote Address: Professor Shannon Gayk, Indiana University-Bloomington
- “Invoking the Sacred: Medieval and Early Modern Prayer Rolls”
Saturday, Feb. 14, 9:30-3:30
9:30 Breakfast
10:00 Panel 1: “History and Memory”
- Daniel Morgan, UNC-CH, “Between Scriptura and Exempla: Historicity in the Epistola De Sacramentis Hereticorum”
- Marina Bonciani, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, “Fake Pilgrimages and the Actual Presence of the Holy Story”
- Benjamin Reed, UNC-CH, “Legal Culture and Historia Sacra in Colonial Mexico’s Oratorian History”
11:30 Panel 2: “Politics and Divine Punishment”
- Kristina Potuckova, UNC-CH, “Engaging the Sacred Pasts: Medieval Essen and its Treasury”
- Jonathan Sapp, Duke University, “’It is Bad Business to have Two Lords’: The Roman de Thebes, Emotional Politics, and Co-Lordship in the Twelfth Century”
- Jennifer Ethridge, UNC-Greensboro, “Omens, Miracles, and Divine Punishment: Twelfth Century Interpretation of the Divine and Supernatural as an Expression of Political Bias”
1:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00 Panel 3: “The Body and Sacred”
- Tessa Bullington, UNC-CH, “Approaching Unity through Loss of Identity: Abjection and the Maternal Body in Angela of Foligno’s Memoriale”
- Erica Longenbach, UNC-CH, “’The moment when everyday flesh catches fire’: Affect and Ideology in the Apse Mosaics of Paschal I”
- Jessica Ward, UNC-Greensboro, “’Forsake the Worlde’: Equity and Incarnation in Pearl”
Presented by: UNC Program in Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Duke Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies